Initial Framework Elements

1.  Overt Organized Crime
2.  White collar crime
3.  Insurance.
4.  Wall Street
5. Professional Sports/Sports
6.  Limited Liability Corporate Structure
7.  Academia
8.  The Media
9.  Publishing
10.  Entertainment
11.  Religion
12.  Unions
13.  Tavern League
14.  Medical Industry
15.  Chemical Industry
16.  Oil Industry
17.  Military Industrial Complex
18.  Legal Profession
19.  Secret Societies
20.  Falsified Research and Statistics
21.  Computer Software.
22.  Foreign Country sponsored activities in the U.S.
23.  Organized groups vying for greater rights.
24.  Employment Agencies

I am sure that I missed some.

Brief Description of Organized Criminal Activity

1.  Overt Organized Crime:  Crime families flouting money, luxury cars and mansions.
2.  White collar crime: 
3.  Insurance.  How much cost does that add to our country?  Do we really need those middle men?  Do they really deserve to be making more money than everyone else and driving foreign cars?  Do they really just ring up a liability and wait to fold it into banks and then they go bankrupt and the rest of us end up footing the bill?  Yes.
4.  Wall Street  Should a specialist control stock market prices?  Should Wall Street people be eating five star dinners every night?  Staying in luxury hotels?  Should they be allowed to trade against their very own customers?  No!
5. Professional Sports/Sports:  Should they run University systems that supposed to be education based? No.  Should they be funded by alcohol profits that fuel Fetal Alcohol Syndrome mental retardation and cancers such as breast?  No,
6.  Limited Liability Corporate Structure:  Good God this has no place here!  It is Divine Right British.  Never should have continued to be allowed to sell cigarettes in this country.
7.  Academia:  Complete baloney.  Really a framework of dogma so that the well healed retard doesn't feel alienated in adulthood.
8.  The Media: Completely propagandizing weakness and fraud in this country.  Also they won't hire you but they will hire that person who speaks oddly with a contorted face, long vowels and poor grammar.
9.  Publishing: Favoring certain people.  Only publishing what doesn't offend themselves or their covfefe religion.  Ostracizing those who don't.
10.  Entertainment:  The Reverand Al Sharpton stated it was controlled by organized crime!  Good enough for me!  Look at what your average black boy is reciting as a mantra in his head and out his mouth as he is trying to get through his day?  It is criminal crap!
11.  Religion:  There is absolutely no way that all those children could have been sexually molested without this being organized crime.  Which makes it a marketing business for those from "wine country" that were born with a low grade of mental retardation from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
12.  Unions:  Crooked and queer like.  Skimming from the Gov.  Price Fixing.  Not representing the worker.  Good God there are 40 million workers that are disabled.  Did Unions do them any good?  No that fast talking lawyer rep just puts the workers qualms to rest with jibberish and collects his six figure check and maintains his office.   No health safety standards are what they should be in American Industry.  Those rights were never adequately represented.  "Buy your own God Damned respirator mask if you want one you low life."  Is the message to the employee.  Excluding workers who don't have a learning disorder because they are a threat to the employment system.
13.  Tavern League:  Every one of those families likely has a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Retard.  And that retard learns via the tormented human soul as the hags create a schizophrenic.  Drugs are sold out of those bars and whores are Prostituted ubiquitously.
14.  Medical Industry:  Fraud rampant.  Should never be allowed to be owned by individuals.  Doctors barred from practice readily given new positions as Doctors and slapped on the wrist as if it is the proper discipline.
15.  Chemical Industry:  Putting everything in our food.  Contaminating our air and water and groundwater.  Chemicals in our bodies that shouldn't be there.  Falsified research.
16.  Oil Industry:  Threatened John F. Kennedy before he was assassinated.  We went to War in the middle east for oil.  Deeply tied to your British monarchy through Suadi Royal Family members being educated there.
17.  Military Industrial Complex:  Creating non lethal weapons that mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia.  Creating War propaganda to justify your paycheck going to them.
18.  Legal Profession
19.  Secret Societies  Think George Bush and Skull and Bones.
20.  Falsified Research and Statistics
21.  Computer Software.  Where do all the hackers from from?  Are they paid off by the software cos?  In order to cycle newer $400 versions of software you have to buy because yours was infected?
22.  Foreign Country sponsored activities in the U.S.  We doh't know what they are up to.  But ever see a rich foreign family come to your neighborhood and they all talk with a lisp of mental retardation?
23.  Organized groups vying for greater rights.
24.  Employment Agencies  This structure violates the workers rights.  They do it to evade the workers rights in the first place.
25.  Financial:  Charging usury interest rates to American Citizens.

Now there is a lot more to it than that.  But that is the gist of it.  And I could indeed articulate it a lot better than that.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

26.  How about the women of your Jewish Fertility Occult?
27.  What about Fraternities and Sororities with odd homosexual initiations?  Some people killed!  1 instance of that should have brought the entire Frat to nonexistence!
28.  Psychiatry!  You would tell a human being that those voices they hear that are tormenting them are really their own mind!  Complete horror!  Completely untrue.


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